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Engineering, Architecture and Technology

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Frequently Asked Questions

If your question is not asnwered here please feel free to reach out to us or send us an email using the Request Information button

  • What high school courses will best prepare me?

    Students in architecture find that a good college preparatory high school program is very useful. Mathematics, especially to the calculus or pre-calculus level, and a science background in physics are particularly important. Exposure to art and drawing is also very helpful.

  • Should I purchase a computer before starting the program?

    Yes, please review the Computer specifications sheet so that you will have a computer that is able to handle the graphics requirements of the software we use.

  • What if I am not very good at drawing right now?

    Very few students are, initially. As long as you have the desire and the perseverance to learn, the faculty can help you improve your drawing skills.

  • Is there an admissions policy for freshmen?

    The School of Architecture operates under an open enrollment policy for the first two years of study in architecture and architectural engineering. This means that as long as the student meets the university entrance requirements, we have the space available within our facility, and we can maintain appropriate student-teacher ratios for instruction, anyone who wishes to study in our programs may do so.

  • What is the “Design Studio”?

    The design studio is the focal point of the curriculum in both the architecture and architectural engineering programs. The studio is where students integrate and apply the knowledge they have gained in all general and technical education courses as they work towards developing a design.

  • When will I use the computer in the design studio?

    The education of an architect or architectural engineer requires facility with both hand and digital communication strategies. Both means are employed, beginning in Studio I.

  • What if I can’t decide whether to major in architecture or AE?

    No problem. The curriculum for both majors has been designed such that the required coursework for the first two years of study is essentially the same. There are a few subtle differences, however, and if you are such a student you should speak with one of our advisors to discuss your individual plan of study.

  • What does “Professional School” mean?

    In general terms, “Pre-Professional School” refers to the first two years of study within the five year curriculum, and “Professional School” is the advanced education of the latter three years.

  • What is the “Third Year Admissions Policy”?

    Students must apply for application to Professional School in both the Architecture and Architectural Engineering Programs.  Applicants are selected based upon the completion of a minimum of 55 credit hours towards the degree, the completion of a specific set of required courses, and a minimum 2.8 selection GPA, weighting courses most specifically related to the degree.