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Wireless Communication and Vehicular Networks Overview

Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communications, as a promising solution for road
safety improvement and traffic efficiency optimization in smart cities with massive
connected vehicles, have recently gained extensive attention from academies and
industries. Global demand for V2X communications is projected to continue growing
over the next decade, the market for V2X communications will grow to more than 1.4
billion US dollars by 2021. The vision for such V2X networks is to interweave
technology into our everyday life and improve the safety and quality of driving
experience. While the vision is promising and exciting, there are several challenges to
achieve this goal. One of the critical challenges is how to manage the resource
allocation (i.e., allocate transmission power and spectrum) for all vehicles in this V2X
communication networks. The objective of this research is to develop a novel approach
that bridges the gap between the advanced theoretical research and testbed
experiments to address optimal resource allocation in vehicle communication networks. We propose a new distributed schemes that ensure reliable, efficient, and smart communications in vehicle networks.