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ATRC Building

Young Chang, Ph.D., PE

Dr. Young Bae Chang


Dr. Chang joined the Division of Engineering Technology as an Associate Professor in August 2000. Prior to the appointment at Engineering Technology, he taught courses in the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering for six years. He worked as a research staff member of the Web Handling Research Center at Oklahoma State University (13 years), Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials (three years), and Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (three years). His personal interests and activities include shooting sports and promoting the welfare of international students and scholars.


Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering

Oklahoma State University, 1990


M.S., Production Engineering

Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, 1981


B.S., Aeronautical Engineering

Korea Aerospace University, South Korea, 1979

Research Interests

  • Internal and external ballistics
  • Personal protective gears and garments
  • Flow-induced vibration

Courses Taught

  • MET 2313 Fundamentals of Hydraulic Fluid Power
  • MET 3003 Dynamics
  • MET 3413 Fundamentals of Pneumatic Fluid Power
  • MET 3453 Heat Transfer
  • MET 4313 Electrohydraulic and Motion Control
  • MET 4713 & 5713 Internal Dynamics
  • MET 4723 & 5723 External Dynamics
  • ENSC 2123 Elementary Dynamics
  • MAE 3113 Measurements and Instrumentation
  • MAE 3233 Heat Transfer
  • MAE 3324 Mechanical Design I
  • MAE 4273 Experimental Fluid Dynamics
  • MAE 5083 Engineering Acoustics