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Engineering, Architecture and Technology

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Impact of the MERO graduates on engineering society:

The Mechatronics and Robotics (MERO) program aims to educate and train the students to join the next generation interdisciplinary workforce to keep up with the technological advancements and digital disruptions. The program will provide the students with a technological learning experience in the emerging multidisciplinary and integrated (electrical, mechanical, control systems, and computer engineering technology) field of mechatronics and robotics. Students will be involved in fundamental and applied learning, research, and creative activities in this interdisciplinary area.

Mechatronics and robotics is one of the preferred majors in engineering and engineering technology. Further, in recent times, as it is almost impossible to separate the electrical, mechanical, and computer technologies, the demand for engineers with a good grasp of this interdisciplinary knowledge is growing.  The BSET-MERO program will promote human and economic development for Oklahoma through the expansion of the technical knowledge resulting from the enrolled students and from the direct application of these technologies within the program.

Future job opportunities for our graduates:

Mechatronics engineers can work in a variety of jobs across multiple disciplines. They often work with electronics, real-time software, instrumentation and other mechanical and/or electrical machines. A mechatronics engineer typically plays a fundamental role in product development and uses engineering principles such as electronics, software, mechanics and control engineering throughout the developmental process.

  • Robotics engineer/technician
  • Automation engineer
  • Control system design engineer
  • Electronics design engineer
  • Mechanical design engineer
  • Data scientist/big data analyst
  • Software engineer
  • Systems engineer
  • Project engineer
  • Instrumentation engineer
Graduates of the BSET-MERO program can expect to find employment in the areas of electrical, mechanical, computer, and energy. Since these are the core areas of any industry, the graduate will receive preference over any traditional engineering/engineering technology major.


Program Needs

There are several BS and BSET programs available in the country, and Mechatronics and Robotics is one of the popular majors.  From the engineering technology point of view, there are 12 ABET/ETAC approved programs offered throughout the country under different names, such as Electromechanical Engineering Technology, Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering Technology, or combinations. Several international universities offer a similar program to keep up with the demand for an interdisciplinary workforce.

As more businesses advance their technologies and turn to sophisticated intelligent systems and robotics, mechatronics engineering will continue to grow in demand. The BSET-MERO program is the first interdisciplinary 4-year degree program at OSU and the state of Oklahoma. Due to the uniqueness of the MERO program, student demand for the program is expected to be great.

The Division of Engineering Technology has conducted a needs assessment student survey for our graduate program in Mechatronics and Robotics (MSET-MERO) program, which started in fall 2021.  There was a total of 86 undergraduate engineering technology students from MET (53) and EET (33) responded. The overall make-up of the students by year in school was 36% Seniors, 24% juniors, 19% sophomores, and 21% Freshman.  The student demand for the MSET-MERO program was assessed to be at a very high level. There were less than 5% of students (combined responses for MET and EET students) with “No Interest” in enrolling in the OSU MSET-MERO degree.    This strong interest in MSET-MERO clearly implies an interest in Mechatronics and Robotics Curriculum. 

We have discussed the BSET-MERO program during our IAB meeting in the past two years. All members in the EET and MET IABs unanimously express strong support of the BSET-MERO program.  The board members expressed the significant employer demand for an interdisciplinary workforce in mechatronics and robotics.

Demand for Engineers 

New engineers the United States needs annually over the next decade

the US only graduates ~136,000 new engineers/yr. Oklahoma generates $6.1 Billion/yr in earnings by employing more than 64,000 engineering and engineering management workforce.