Research in computational E&M is becoming more and more closely tied to wireless communications and high speed computer design. Electromagnetic field theory is the main research and education area of the laboratory. Applications in electrical engineering include RFID and wireless communication in harsh environments.
At OSU, current research programs focus on the use of computational electromagnetics to determine radar scattering of radar from rough surfaces. The laboratory is a pioneer in the research on the theory and potential applications of electromagnetic interference countermeasures, microwave technology, antenna structures, rough surface scattering and reduction of radar cross section.
REFTAS (Robust Electromagnetic Field Testing and Simulation Lab) has a reverberation chamber which is being used in the susceptibility testing of electronic equipment and measurement of shielding effectiveness. Another application is the use of electromagnetic waves and sensors to determine the soil moisture for agricultural assessments.
- Courses
- Electromagnetic Theory
- Antenna Theory
- Radar theory
- Numerical Methods
- Microwave Engineering
- Research Labs