CEAT IT - Available Software
Downloading Mathcad
- Navigate to the IT Software Distribution Center (sdc.okstate.edu/).
- Sign-in using your O-Key credentials.
- Choose the "Stillwater CEAT Student" role in the available list and select Continue.
- Choose the radio button next to "Windows - MathCad Prime 8.0 for Faculty / Staff".
- Select Proceed to Checkout.
- Leave the install directory as default.
- Select Agree, Continue, and Confirm to move through the checkout process.
- Once the software is downloaded select finish, right-click and extract the folder, and run Mathcad.
- Windows 10 or 11
- Double click setup.exe to begin the installation.
NOTE: If you have Adobe Acrobat installed you may get an error during installation.
This error will not affect the Mathcad install.
You must be connected to the OSU network in order to run the software. Off campus
users must connect to the OSUVPN (https://osuvpn.okstate.edu) before running the software.
If not prompted for license information after install:
- click the “M” in the top left hand corner
- select “Options”
- select “License” in the bottom left
- Enter the information below:
- Server: ptc.ceatlabs.okstate.edu
- port: 7788
- Click Finish