Brian Elbing
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering
University of Michigan, 2009
M.S.E., Mechanical Engineering
University of Michigan, 2005
B.S., Mechanical Engineering
Western Michigan University, 2003
Research Interests
- Flow Control
- Tornado infrasound
- Multiphase Flow
- Experimental Fluid Mechanics
Awards and Recognition
- John Brammer Professorship, Oklahoma State University, 2019-present
- Tier 1 Faculty Affiliate, Unmanned System Research Institute, 2020
- Distinguished Early Career Faculty Award, Oklahoma State University,2019
- Halliburton Professorship in Engineering, Oklahoma State University, 2016-2019
- Excellent New Teacher Award, Oklahoma State University, College of Engineering, Architecture & Tech, 2016
Professional Memberships
- American Physical Society (APS) –Division of Fluid Dynamics (DFD); member
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA); member
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME); member
- Acoustical Society of America (ASA); member
- Oklahoma AIAA/ASME Symposium
Courses Taught
- ENSC 3233 Fluid Mechanics
- MAE 3333 Fundamental Fluid Dynamics
- MAE 4273 Experimental Fluid Dynamics
- MAE 5233 Advanced Fluid Dynamics I
- MAE 5273 Advanced Fluid Dynamics II
Recent Publications
- Y Farsiani, Z Saeed, B Jayaraman & BR Elbing†(2020) “Modification of turbulent boundary layer coherent structures with drag reducing polymer solution,” Physics of Fluids, 32(1), 015107 (
- BR Elbing†, SD Young, ML Jonson, RL Campbell, BA Craven, RF Kunz & KL Koudela (2020) “Experi-mental characterization of a high-amplitude fluid-structure-interaction of a flexible hydrofoil at high Reyn-olds number,” Journal of Vibration and Acoustics,142(4), 041014 (
- B Hemingway†, AE Frazier, BR Elbing & JD Jacob (2020)“High-resolution estimation and spatial interpo-lation of temperature structure in the atmospheric boundary layer using a small unmanned aircraft system,” Boundary-Layer Meteorology,175, 397-416(
- Y Farsiani, Z Saeed& BR Elbing†(2020) “Drag reduction performance of mechanically degraded dilute polyethylene oxide solutions,” ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 142(9), 091201 (
- BR Elbing†(in press) “Impact of polymer degradation on past studies of the mean velocity profile in turbu-lent boundary layers,” Journal of Fluids Engineering, accepted on Oct 27, 2020 (FE-20-1351).