Grand Challenge Scholars Program
DUE February 1
The CEAT Grand Challenge Scholars Program (GCSP) is a combined curricular and extra-curricular program with five key components: research, interdisciplinary
curriculum, entrepreneurship, global understanding and service learning. The program is designed to prepare students to be the generation that solves the grand challenges facing society in this century. The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) identified 14 Grand Challenges for Engineering and similarly the UN established sustainability goals. Our GCSP program has scholars choose a focus area from one of the NAE or UN goals and expand their education through research efforts, scholarly publications and enhanced leadership training.
Become a Grand Challenge Scholar!
To apply for the Grand Challenge Scholars Program, each student must meet the following requirements:
1. Have professional school standing in the College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology with a least 30 semester credit hours remaining until graduation.
2. Complete the interest form below by February 1.
3. Submit a commitment form from the student’s GCSP Mentor.
4. Propose a GCSP portfolio encompassing the five required components in the NAE Grand Challenge Scholars Declaration of Principles. Email to by February 1.