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Are you interested in being a part of CEAT Student Council?



CEAT Student Council

Council members help support the students of our College by putting on events and work with Administration and Faculty to make changes for the Students' benefit.
Applications open at the beginning of each semester and will be sent out in mass emails to students and posted on our Instagram page (@ceatstuco). Contact if you have any questions.


CEAT Career Fair Coordinator

The CEAT Career Fair is an event that enables students to meet recruiters. The events' coordinators will plan all aspects of this event that takes place in the Fall. You do not have to be a council member to apply, but you must be a CEAT student. This is a paid position. 
Applications will be sent out in mass emails to students and posted on our Instagram page (@ceatstuco) and can be emailed to upon completion. Contact with any questions.


CEAT Senator

CEAT Senators represent CEAT in the Student Government Association and help our council stay connected with the rest of the Students in the university. All CEAT students can serve as senators. Contact if you are interested.



Saint Patrick's Award

Applications for the Saint Patrick's Award open early in the Spring semester and will be sent out in mass emails to students and posted on our Instagram page (@ceatstuco). Seniors graduating that spring or in the fall semester of the same calendar year are eligible for this scholarship.