CEAT Research
CEAT Funding Opportunities
Opportunities can include equipment matching, travel grants, graduate student support, working groups, graduate student recruitment, and more...
CEAT Research Internal Funding
Funding for Graduate Students Presenting Papers at Conferences
The Associate Dean of Research (ADR) will provide matching funding for graduate student domestic travel for a presentation of a paper to a conference.
Funding for Equipment Matching
The College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology will receive applications for equipment matching that provide research infrastructure that are consistent with clearly identified departmental and college goals.
Funding for Research Travel Grants
The College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology will receive applications for travel grants that provide matching for travel with the purpose of interacting with program managers at funding agencies including, but not limited to, NSF, NIH, NASA , and various DoD agencies.
Funding for Special Graduate Student Support
The College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology recognizes that it can be challenging to provide continuous support to graduate students. Funding sources are not always stable and sometimes anticipated grants are delayed or are not awarded as expected. In order to help, the Dean’s office is offering a program to provide support to help the graduate students in this situation.
Funding for Research Working Groups
The purpose of supporting Research Working Groups is to encourage and promote collaborative and interdisciplinary research activities. It is expected that a Research Working Group will be compromised of an interdisciplinary team with well-defined research thrusts; will identify a targeted and well-managed set of group activities; and develop and submit at least one competitive proposal by members of the group to an external funding agency in a given year.
Funding for Graduate Student Recruitment
The College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology will receive applications for travel grants that provide for travel with the purpose of recruiting of PhD Graduate students. Departments that have extended an offer to a graduate student (PhD) may request a travel reimbursement for domestic travel during the course of a calendar year. Five (5) travel reimbursements will be automatically granted, but additional travel reimbursements may be made depending upon the availability of funds.