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Engineering, Architecture and Technology

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You have a place in CEAT 

The College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology intentionally serves students, faculty, and staff to strengthen learning, development, and leadership through initiatives that promote tolerance and appreciation of every individual. 


Our Legacy 

In 1974, the OSU CEAT Council of Partners Advisory Board was formed, consisting of industry leaders who were committed to providing academic and financial support to students majoring in engineering, architecture, and technology. Their initiative led to the creation of Belonging in CEAT Programs (previously under different names), where professional staff were designated to carry out this mission through programming and support to increase the enrollment and graduation rates of students in CEAT. Summer Bridge, a hallmark program of CEAT, was created in 2007. We currently serve the entire CEAT student community, as every student contributes to our college. CEAT Programs continues to center the foundational initiative of 1974 through its 3 pillars: Advocate, Empower, and Connect (A.C.E).





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