Hunjoo Lee, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Subsurface Energy and the Environment,
The University of Texas at Austin, 2016-2020
Ph.D., Petroleum Engineering
The University of Texas at Austin, 2015
M.S.E., Petroleum Engineering
The University of Texas at Austin, 2014
B.S., Civil, Urban and Geosystems Engineering,
Seoul National University, 2010
Professional Experience
Professional Honors and Affiliations
Major Areas of Interest
Dr. Lee's research focuses on reservoir geomechanics, hydraulic fracturing, rock fracture mechanics, and induced seismicity.
His research interests include:
- Interaction between hydraulic fractures and natural fractures
- Mixed-mode fracture propagation in subsurface conditions
- Induced seismicity related to injection and production
- Drilling-induced fractures