Yu Feng, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering
North Carolina State University, 2015
M.S., Mechanical Engineering
North Carolina State University, 2010
B.S., Engineering Mechanics
Zhejiang University, 2007
Professional Experience
Research Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
North Carolina State University, 2015
Research Scientist
DoD Biotechnology HPC Software Applications Institute (BHSAI), 2015
Postdoctoral Researcher, Mechanical Engineering
North Carolina State University, 2013
Professional Honors and Affiliations
Major Areas of Interest
Computational Fluid-Particle Dynamics and Advanced Numerical Methods
Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Modeling
Particulate Matter Transport Phenomena
Lung Aerosol Dynamics
Pulmonary Health Risk Assessment
Pulmonary Drug Delivery Optimization
Non-invasive Pulmonary Disease Diagnosis
Recent Research Activities
Toxic or Therapeutic Aerosol Transport and Uptake in the Respiratory Systems and Systemic Regions
The overall goal of our group is to understand and consider more underlying physics and chemistry, and provide non-invasive, cost-effective and accurate numerical tools. We make contributions to medical world and human life by providing well-posed solutions to patient-specific pulmonary health problems using multi-scale modeling techniques. By reconstructing a subject-specific whole lung model covering the entire lung conducting zone (from mouth to generation 17), we are able to use computational fluid-particle dynamics (CFPD) and Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models to simulate the transport, deposition, translocation, and clearance of inhaled toxic or therapeutic aerosols in the pulmonary routes and systemic regions Employing our numerical model and whole-lung geometry, we will able to provide high-resolution data and perform parametric sensitivity studies for lung geometric and operational factors that affect aerosol uptakes/clearance in the human bodies under realistic breathing patterns. Flow regimes, particle transport characteristics, and lung airway deformations will be visualized. The new insights generated by the CFPD-PBPK model will be significant for multiple biomedical applications, i.e., medical device improvements for effective and targeted drug deliveries, novel lung therapeutics, non-invasive disease diagnostic methodologies, and exposure health risks evaluations. Numerical simulations are performed on ANSYS Mechanical/CFD platforms, enhanced by in-house C programs.